Sunday, October 25, 2009


This is the Basilica of the Sacred Heart at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana. It is absolutely gorgeous and hard to capture in a photo, at least when I left my tripod in the car. I also feel very self-conscious when shooting in a church. One can feel the Spirit in this church, and there are many people there to pray or just spend time with God. I don't want to distract them from that, nor do I want to be disrespectful in the church.


the colors and majesty are absolutely stunning and beg to be shot.

This is the main altar (lower right), the tabernacle (center), and the rear of the church (with side altar) to the back of the tabernacle.

To read more about the Basilica, go to the basilica's home page.

© 2009 Mexipickle


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