Sunday, October 01, 2006


My wife and I took a week away from the kids and went to Boston and New Hampshire. We started our week touring Boston, including the Holocaust Memorial there. It is a powerful place, with etched glass listing the numbers of all the people who were held in the camps. At each pillar was a quote from a survivor, relative, or liberator of the camps. This quote struck me especially hard, and shows the ultimate responsibility the prisoners felt for and to each other. Perhaps there's a better word than responsiblity---dedication, love, commitment---but I can't think of it now. I'm open to suggestions.

If you get a chance, visit the memorial in Boston. It is powerful.

I'll be posting more shots of our trip, all lighter than this and full of fall color, but this is how our trip started, so I thought I would start with this.
Copyright © 2006 Mexipickle


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